Keynote Speaker Highlights: Cetewayo Rashid and Christina Chambers

As we look towards October for our Annual Meeting of the US DOHaD Society, we’re thrilled to share more about our keynote speakers who will be sharing their latest research and insights. To see all of our keynote speakers and their presentation schedules, visit our Annual Meetings page. Today, we wanted to highlight two of our speakers:

Keynote Highlight with image of Cetewayo Rashid, PhD and his presentation title "Metabolism-Disrupting Chemicals: Legacy Exposures and Emerging Threats" and image of Christina Chambers, PhD and her presentation title "Contribution of prenatal substance exposures to health and disease across the lifespan"

Cetewayo Rashid, PhD is an assistant professor of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Kentucky. His strong background in environmental health sciences research has led him through a successful early career with multiple Career Development Awards and Pilot studies supported by the Center for Appalachian Research in Environmental Sciences (UK-CARES) where he has been studying the organophosphate flame retardant exposure and its influence on metabolic disruption underlying diseases like metabolic syndrome, obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and insulin resistance. He will present his work during the Metabolic Origins of Health Session to kick off the Annual Meeting’s final day on October 16th. 

Christina Chambers, PhD, is a professor of pediatrics at University of California, San Diego, is Vice Chair of Clinical Research in Pediatrics at UCSD and Rady Children’s Hospital, and holds a host of roles leading programs like UCSD’s Center for Better Beginnings, ACTRI Center for Life Course and Vulnerable Populations Research, MotherToBabyCalifornia, and Mommy’s Milk As a perinatal epidemiologist, she has been able to utilize national and international longitudinal cohorts and clinical trials to better understand how environmental exposures in pregnancy, like recreational substances, medications, and previously unrecognized teratogens influence childhood disabilities. Her keynote presentation will be during the Prenatal Origins of Child Health Session on October 15th.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from these leading experts and network with fellow DOHaD professionals. Register now to attend our Annual Meeting to hear from these amazing speakers and more. Visit our Annual Meetings page to secure your spot today! 

Don’t forget, if you’re interested in being considered for a poster or oral presentation, abstracts are due August 1st!

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