Keynote Speaker Highlights: Marisa Spann and James Gern

As we look towards October for our Annual Meeting of the US DOHaD Society, we’re thrilled to share more about our keynote speakers who will be sharing their latest research and insights. To see all of our keynote speakers and their presentation schedules, visit our Annual Meetings page. Today, we wanted to highlight two of our speakers:

Marisa Spann, PhD is an assistant professor of Medical Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. As a clinical neuropsychologist, she has worked to identify early immune, brain, and neuropsychological risk factors for childhood psychiatric disorders utilizing Finnish national birth cohorts and a local cohort of pregnant patients. Through multiple grants from the National Institutes of Mental Health and Child Health and Human Development, she has been able to study effects of maternal inflammation on emotion regulation development as well as intergenerational passed circuit-based markers of regulatory deficits. She will present her work as a keynote speaker of the Early Nutrition and Developmental Outcomes Session on October 15th. 

James Gern, MD is a professor in the Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology and the vice chair for research in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Wisconsin. His collaborative research work seeks to understand links between early exposures unique to urban and farming environments and the development of allergies, respiratory illnesses, and asthma. He also leads the Children’s Respiratory and Environmental Workgroup (CREW) supported by the ECHO Program to utilize large cohorts to uncover risk factors for asthma, obesity, and neurocognitive development and perinatal outcomes. His laboratory is also working to define the mechanism of rhinovirus-induced inflammation and its interaction with host mucus microbiome and airway epithelium. Dr. Gern will be a keynote speaker for the Prenatal Origins of Child Health Session, also on October 15th.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from these leading experts and network with fellow DOHaD professionals. Register now to attend our Annual Meeting to hear from these amazing speakers and more. Visit our Annual Meetings Page to secure your spot today! 

Don’t forget, if you’re interested in being considered for a poster presentation, abstracts are due September 15th!

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